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A member registered Aug 17, 2020

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Aqui esta's%20Palpitating%20Passi...

Sim eu ja traduzi x.x ja foi postado no Twitter dela x.x como fiz diretamente não tem como ela colocar no jogo mas ela  compartilhou no twitter dela minha tradução

Hello! My Name is Rance, i am a game translator and I would like to ask permission to translate Complex relations (( i know its a demo but i still want to translate x.x ))  to Portuguese, I will post on my website and give due credit

Hello! My Name is Rance, i am a game translator, and I would like to ask permission to translate Lola's Adventures to Portuguese, I will post on my website and give due credit

All right! X.x i send dm on twitter, my twitter os @RGuertena

huahuahauhauhau pior que apos eu tentar eu traduzi, e mandei no meu site, com os devidos créditos claro, e tentei novamente entrar em contato para avisar que traduzi x.x e ate agora nada kkkk

Ate o momento não


Well I sent DM on twitter asking permission to translate Yuki 4P to Portuguese, I finished Translate and would you like to see? I sent it to my website with the due credits.

Hi! My name is Rance, i am a game translator and i would to translate Euclyca to portuguese!

Hello! My name is Rance, I am a game translator, and i would to translate Colorado cocoa into portuguese!

If you don't have Twitter or Discord, you can send a e-mail

You can call me on Twitter or Discord

Twitter:  @RGuertena

Discord: Rance Guertena Sama#6969

In this case it would be an official translation, you give me the game's rpy files or I get the rpy files myself, I'll translate everything, I'll return the files to you and you put them in the game, we'll talk about how this would work, how you send me the files , payment, these things.

Hi! My name is Rance, i am a Game translator I just finished playing both games and I would like to Translate them both into Brazilian Portuguese, I really liked the game and would like to translate it for other people to know.I've already translated some games, the vast majority in Renpy

I send a friend request my Discord is Rance Guertena Sama#8265

Hi! My Names is Rance, I am a Brazilian Translator and i wish to translate Knightly Passions to portuguese!

I have both twitter and disagree, it may be what you think is best.

My Twitter is: @RGuertena

My discord is: Rance Guertena Sama#8265

You can call any of the two and I will answer!

Hello! My Name is Rance i'm a translator and I would like to translate TWSTM into Portuguese!


I'm already on the discord server!
My Discord is Rance Guertena Sama#8265

Just to know who I am and that I'm there on the server!

I think I'm a psychic 8) hahaha joke aside.

right when translating into Portuguese you can call me that I will translate with pleasure

Hi! Let me introduce myself first! my name is Rance I am a game translator and I would like to translate Zonran; Zanki into Portuguese
I finished playing now and I really liked the game and would like to translate it

Don't worry i will ^^ if you have Discord  call me  there we can talk better Rance Guertena Sama#8265

Hello my name is Rance I would like to translate the censored version into Portuguese, I'm from a game translation site Renpy, and I came to ask for permission to translate this game

Hello ^^ i am a traslator and i want to translate this game for my website, but i need the permission x.x i gonna to translate to portuguese